What a great and marvelous thing beyond all imagining it is to be a follower of the Lord Jesus, a member of His Mystical Body in the state of grace. Saint Leo the Great knew this well, as he states in a very Ciceronian manner:
If we are indeed the temple of God and if the Spirit of God lives in us, then what every believer has within himself is greater than what he admires in the skies.
Now is it certainly a work of Divine Providence--and no mere coincidence--that the renowned orator and philosopher Cicero, who lived before Christ was born in Bethlehem, using right reason, made this observation:
When we look up at the sky and contemplate the heavenly bodies, can anything be more plain and certain than that there is some higher being of surpassing intelligence governing all these things? (De Natura Deorum, II, 2)
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