A king is not saved by his army, nor a warrior preserved by his strength. A vain hope for safety is the horse; despite its power it cannot save. The Lord looks on those who revere Him, on those who hope for His love, to rescue their souls from death, to feed them in time of famine. -Psalm 33There are "marvels" that man can make and use: some for good and others--alas!--for evil. Nonetheless, "at the end of the day," God is in control. At the end of life, money is useless; for, "no man can buy his own salvation, the ransom of his soul is beyond him" (David the Psalmist). I cannot save my soul; I cannot do this by myself. Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God made man, can save my soul. "Their is no salvation by any other name under heaven" (St. Peter).
The things that God creates: the human person, the angels, nature, etc., are way more beautiful than anything man can make. Anyhow, I know that I am "preaching to the choir."
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