Truly, Rick Santorum is an American hero. He is an “icon” of the little guy, the immigrant, the American who worked hard to serve God and country. He believes there is a God and—consequently—a moral order in the universe. He knows the Founding Fathers believed in the natural moral law and in the divinity of Christ. Had he been elected, he would have upheld the Constitution as the law of the land, which is more than we can say of our current President.
On a shoestring budget, going door-to-door he won eleven states in the Republican Primary. That’s quite an accomplishment considering that he had so little resources to work with. People—voters—saw him as “real.” He was not a man to seek to tickle your ears. He said what he thought and never hesitated to stand up for what is right. True Americans appreciate that.
He fought for the little guy, for the immigrant, for smaller government, for that “little guy,” the average American, to have a chance to advance by means of honest work and kindness toward one’s neighbor.
He believed in the family and in the right to life from conception to natural death. When he was a U.S. Senator, a debate was taking place over abortion and a baby in the room began to cry. Senator Richard John Santorum held the baby up for all to see.
His own baby, there-year-old Isabella, has a congenital disease. She was in the hospital on Friday, just a few days before Tuesday, April 10, that is, Tuesday within the Octave of Easter. On Tuesday, April 10, Rick Santorum made the announcement that his race for the White House had been suspended. One could just picture the Democrats smiling with glee. Even they knew that Obama just might not be able to defeat a man of true principle and true grit, one who will speak out in favor of the natural rights of the human person, including the Constitutionally guaranteed right to freedom of religion and the right to life from conception until natural death. The Founding Fathers insisted that Congress is to make no law respecting the establishment of a national religion. While they did not want any one religion to be the official government religion, they nonetheless wanted the practice of religion—including natural law morality—to be encouraged and to grow. For, they knew that without the free practice of Judeo-Christian religion and morality the nation would perish. And if the government and the culture continue to squash our right to freedom of religion, the nation will indeed perish. I do not know what it will become, but it will cease to be the great United States of America, last best hope of the free world.
O yes, back to “Bella.” It’s interesting: her needing to be hospitalized on Good Friday, the day Christ died to save us, and her father bowing out of the Presidential Race just four days later. The Santorum family has given such marvelous Christian witness to our nation . “Bella” is another example of that. Mr. Santorum knows that—as he is married—his primary vocation in life is to be husband and Abba—Daddy—Father. May America turn back to God and may God the Father of All bestow His blessing upon Rick Santorum and all Americans.